Welcome to Our Journey: Building and Growing Together

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We are thrilled to have you join us at the beginning of our new online venture. As you explore our website, you might notice that things are still taking shape, features are refined, and pages are crafted carefully. We want to extend our warmest gratitude for your interest and patience as we embark on this exciting journey of creation.

Now, you’re not just browsing a website; you’re witnessing its birth, growth, and transformation firsthand. We believe in transparency and authenticity, so we’ve decided to open our virtual doors to you even before everything is polished to perfection.

As we continue to build and develop every aspect of this website, we want you to know that your feedback is invaluable to us. Whether it’s a suggestion to enhance user experience, a bug you’ve discovered, or a feature you’d love to see, we’re all ears. Feel free to reach out through the channels provided, and rest assured that we’re actively listening.

Why did we choose to reveal the inner workings of our website during its construction phase? Because we believe that growth is a collaborative process. We hope to create a space where our community can contribute, engage, and witness the evolution firsthand by inviting you into our world as it’s taking shape.

Over the coming weeks, you’ll see changes happening in real time. New sections will emerge, designs will be refined, and functionality will be enhanced. We’re excited to take a journey with you, our early supporters, as co-pilots. Together, we’ll shape this platform into something truly remarkable.

So, thank you for being here with us right from the start. Your presence means more to us than words can express. We’re here, we’re watching, and we’re ready to make something extraordinary. Stay tuned for updates, enhancements, and a website that will soon testify to the power of collaboration and growth.

The overall goal is to replace the Republican and Democratic Parties as the top party in Arkansas. The reason is very simple. Both of those parties and most of their candidates are bought and paid for by the Professional Lobbyists who represent thousands of special interests, not we, the people.

Step by step, we will return to the purposes our founding fathers laid out, which was the limited government by and for the people. We want a return to free enterprise in place of centralized corporate control by special interests who suck up our tax money and stuff it in their pockets while laughing at us all the way to their banks and investment accounts.

Instead of our candidates taking campaign funding from professional lobbyists and legalized PACs (Political Actions Committees), we’ll fund our candidates and promote them all as a political slate instead of as individual get-rich-quick opportunities.

We’ll run everything out in the open through County-based Good Government Committees. (GGCCs.)

With anticipation and gratitude,

The Arkansas Party Team

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