The Donor Class vs the Voting Class

Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders
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Why we need another party in Arkansas

The biggest problem for the Republican Party is the awareness of the voting class regarding the control exerted by the donor class. Here in Arkansas, we are investigating the control of the donor class over the Republican and Democratic Parties.

The influence of the donor class is a topic of debate within the Republican Party and American politics more broadly. While it’s important to note that opinions on this issue vary among Republicans and others, some critics argue that the influence of wealthy donors and special interest groups can significantly impact the party’s policies and priorities.

Here are some key points to consider:

Policy Influence:

Critics argue that wealthy donors can shape party platforms and policy priorities by providing substantial financial support to candidates who align with their interests. This influence can potentially result in policies that benefit the donor class but may not align with the broader interests of the American population.

Primary Elections:

Donors can play a role by supporting candidates they believe will be more likely to win and advance their preferred policies. This can sometimes lead to intra-party conflicts, where establishment-backed candidates face off against more ideologically extreme candidates who may receive grassroots support.

Campaign Finance Laws:

Campaign finance laws and Supreme Court decisions, such as Citizens United, have allowed for increased political spending by individuals and corporations. Critics argue that these developments have amplified money’s political influence, which can harm the democratic process.

Populist vs. Establishment Divide:

The influence of the donor class can contribute to a divide within the Republican Party between establishment figures who may have donor support and populist candidates who appeal to grassroots voters but may lack the same financial backing.

Voter Perceptions:

Some argue that the perception of wealthy donors controlling the party can erode public trust in the political system, as voters may feel that their voices are not being heard and that the interests of the wealthy elite drive policy decisions.

Like all states, Florida has the same Problem.

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida

Ron DeSantis is an excellent example of how voters have taken notice of the donor class.

His 2024 presidential campaign has weakened his brand nationally and tarnished his once-indestructible reputation in Florida.

Here is just some of what is going on as the voter base has become aware of the influence the donor base has had in his campaign for president:

~ College boards, stacked with DeSantis appointees, are rejecting job candidates with ties to the governor, according to Gary Fineout and Kimberly Leonard.

~ The chair of the Republican Party of Florida urged executive committee members to attend all GOP candidate events ~ providing cover to party faithful who want to participate in a dinner at Mar-a-Lago with former President Donald Trump.

~ The board that oversees many of Florida’s affordable housing programs this month placed on leave its executive director, who was helped into the job by a top DeSantis adviser.”

~ Republican strategists and lobbyists in Florida report that DeSantis’ influence ~ which previously allowed him to set a whole legislative agenda against the Walt Disney corporation and exclude Black voters from redistricting ~ is fading.

The Arkansas Party and the State Parties being formed in other states do not let candidates accept donations from the donor class or special interests because selling influence is what is corrupting our political system. We will do our fundraising and affiliate programs to finance the party and the candidates.

If you like what we are doing to clean up politics, beginning at the state level, please talk to us. Let us know if you would be interested in running for office as a public servant instead of a get-rich scheme.

2 thoughts on “The Donor Class vs the Voting Class”

  1. We need to restore the Constitution of the United States of America to the people. There must be laws put in place to protect the Constitution from corrupt politicians. I believe that all politicians should have to take a college course on the Constitution before they can hold any political office. All politicians take the oath, they should have to sign the oath they take to protect the Constitution and the legal American citizens. If not they should be removed from office and jailed.

  2. I also believe that the Constitution should be taught from 7th grade to 12th grade. This makes better citizens. The police should also have to take a college course on the Constitution before they can wear the uniform.

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